Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year in Review - 2017

As 2017 wraps up, I reflect on all of the new places we got to visit during the year. It is super hard to pick a favorite trip...picking a favorite experience - even harder yet! The most unexpected fun would have to be the NFL Draft. We made it to most of the places we had planned to hit in 2017 and a few places that we originally had not planned to visit.

Believe it or not, we do not currently have any trip for 2018 planned!  Oh, I have some ideas, but nothing has been decided. My ideas for 2018 include the following destinations:

Southwestern Texas (Big Bend NP, White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns, etc.)

Sedona, AZ (Grand Canyon NP)

Maine (Acadia NP)

Washington State / Northern Oregon

Colorado (did not make it in 2017)

Santa Fe, New Mexico

2017 put me up to 217 visited National Park Sites! Only 200 more to go!

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