Friday, July 7, 2017

Up North - July 2017 - Days 7, 8 & 9

 July 7, 2017 (Friday)

Welcome to Isle Royale
Isle Royal here we come (via Grand Portage, MN)!  It was about an hour drive from the campsite to the Isle Royal ferry location.  The place was very low key. There was a little office area, a bathroom, a grass parking area and of course the boat dock (which has seen better days).  We were loaded onto the boat based on when we signed up for the trip ($75/adult).  I had booked as soon as reservations were being excepted so we got prime picking!  We choose to sit inside – excellent choice!  The boat was full and soon after we left dock people were looking to find space inside because they were cold. The 22 mile one-way boat ride takes about 2 hours and drops you off at Windigo (southwestern end of the island). On the way to the island we got to view the Spirit Little Cedar Tree (“Witch Tree”) which is 400+ years old. We also passed old shipwreck site of the 182’ steamship America. Once we arrived to the island we were greeted by a Park Ranger and given a brief overview of activities that were going on during our visit.

Rock of Ages Lighthouse
First things first, we went into the very nice visitor center to take a look and get the NP passport stamp! We then opted to take the ranger guided nature hike. After the nature hike we took off to the Feldtmann Lake Trail to see the Grace Creek Overlook (1.8 miles one way). The hike back tracked a little bit of the nature hike and then lead us along the lake and eventually turned us upland. We returned from our hike in time to catch the last ranger program about the animals of the island – moose and wolf. It was crazy to see just how big the bones are of a moose! The island is very peaceful, clean and calming.  It also provided great photo opportunities – especially if you are luckily enough to see a moose!  The return trip on the boat was loaded the same way as the way to the island.  Apparently we got really luck with the smoothness of the water. A few people on the return boat had come to the island a few days earlier and the water was choppy enough that people were getting sick. On the return trip the boat took us by the Rock of Ages Lighthouse, which is going to be restored in coming years.
Grand Portage NPS

Once we were back to land we high tailed it to the Grand Portage NPS site.  The visitor center was one of the best that we have visited. We did not have time to watch the film, but we had adequate time to visit the displays. Across the road from the visitor center was the old village, which had open buildings and people portraying life in the day.  The building that housed the canoe maker was very interesting! We spent about an hour at the site.

Oh the way back to the camper we stopped at Dairy Queen yet again for some yummy ice cream!
Bond Falls
July 8, 2017 (Saturday)

Time to head back towards home. For the most part we drove straight back to our destination for the night – Straits State Park.  We did make a stop at a road side park for some lunch and we also visited Bond Falls. Bond Falls was busy, but we were able to find parking for the trailer.

Straits State Park was mostly full, did not have too many misquotes, and provided great views of the Mackinaw Bridge.

A view from the Straits State Park
July 9, 2017 (Sunday)

The trailer was packed up and we were out of the park by 8am!  We made it home early afternoon and then gave the trailer a good cleaning inside and out.

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