Tuesday, September 1, 2015

CA - Day 4 - Bodie State Historical Park

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Bodie State Historical Park
Another interesting place to check out for the day – Bodie State Historical Park. The park is owned by state and there is a $5/person fee. In 1888, Bodie was considered to be one of the most lawless, wild and toughest mining towns in the west. Gold was discovered in 1859 by W.S. Bodey and E.S. “Black” Taylor. Bodey died in a blizzard while returning with supplies. Temperatures are extreme in both summer and winter (3-6 feet of snow on flat ground and up to 20 foot drifts) and winds can be up to 100 mph. Due to the location, mining did not boom until the mid-1870’s.  Nearly 10,000 tons of rich ore was extracted from the mine, netting around $15 million over 25 years. By 1879 the population was nearly 8500 people with more than 2000 buildings. By 1881, the mines were depleted and companies were going bankrupt. The population was down to 1500 by 1886. In 1894 a fire destroyed many homes and businesses. Cyanide process in the 1890s and the use of electricity made mining profitable. In 1932 another fire roared through the town, only 10% of the towns buildings remained.

Bodie State Historical Park
Today, Bodie remains in a state of “arrested decay”, meaning the way it was left as residents left the town. Often residents would leave possessions behind since when they went to settle in a different town they were charged by the weight of the possessions that they would bring with them.

You may be asking yourself “Why is the town spelled as Bodie when one of the guys that discovered to riches was spelled Bodey?” Simple answer - the person that painted the sign did not like the way it looked with the y so they changed it to ie.

The site is defiantly worth a visit, it is unlike any other ghost town that we have visited. Allow at least 2 hours to wonder about the site.  There is also a tour of the stamping building available (for an additional fee), we did not take the tour.

We had a late lunch back in South Lake Tahoe at The Brewery. The food was just okay, but the staff was very friendly. Mike enjoyed the beer selection. After lunch, we headed back to the Gelato place for yummy gelato.

After lounging around for the afternoon, we had dinner at the Bear Moon Restaurant, which was good.

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