Sunday, August 30, 2015

CA - Day 2 - South Lake Tahoe

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Vikingsholm Castle courtyard area
Based on prior research, we determined that we wanted to start the day at the Vikingsholm Castle. Apparently the parking lot normally gets full by 9:30-10:00. Arriving before 9:30, there were many spaces available; however when we left around noon the parking lot was full and cars were circling for a space. A parking fee of $10 was charged. There was free parking along the side of the road (probably about a quarter mile down the road).

Given that we had arrived before the first castle tour time (10:30) we had a leisurely walk to the area of the castle. The walk was about one mile down a steep, but paved road. The walk was quite scenic – lots of nice views of the lake as well as some small trickles of water along the road. With some time to kill, we hiked to Eagle Falls (not impressive at this time of year). The trail head was right by the ticket booth for the castle. Getting back from the waterfall hike, we waited around by the visitor center to get the tickets for the castle. No one showed up, but we were able to buy tickets at the door instead ($10/person).

Vikingsholm was built in only six months back in 1929 (200+ workers that were provided barracks to live in). There is about a half an hour talk about the home and then you are left to explore the space on your own. The home is decked out in Scandinavian motif – there are, I think it was mentioned, 60 dragons located throughout the home (both inside and out). Another interesting feature is the sod roof.

Emerald Bay and Fanette Island
There is a small island located in the bay (Emerald Bay) across from Vikingsholm, Fannette Island, where a tea house was located. Guests at the home were invited out to the island for tea. Currently, the tea house is roofless and in decay. Visitors are welcome to rent a kayak (by the hour, adjacent to the castle) and venture to the island (apparently only about a 10 minute paddle or so).

Venturing back towards Tahoe for lunch, we made a pit spot at Inspiration Point. Inspiration Point is about 600 feet above Lake Tahoe and provides dramatic views. Parking is mega tough around that area – lots of cars park illegally along the road.

For lunch, we headed to a little place called Macduff’s Pub (ranked #11 out of 103 at the time on TripAdvisor). Portions were large, which was good since the prices were a little steep. We were all happy with the food that we ordered (onion soup, fish and chips, and the kona pulled pork sandwich).

After lunch, our CA friends headed home and we were on our own. We spent the rest of the day wondering around by the water and had some gelato at Art of Gelato. It was very yummy – lots of flavor choices. It was a little expensive at $3.50 for a small dish, but I would have to say it was worth it!

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