Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014 Kolob Canyon - Zion and Cedar Breaks

Kobol Canyon - Zion NP
The day started with a trip to the Kobol Canyon area of Zion NP, it was quite different than the part that we saw the day before. A lot less people too. After a quite stop at the visitor center, we drove the five mile scenic drive. We hiked the “Timber Creek” trail at the end of the road and it was quite nice.  We also hiked a portion of the “Taylor Creek” trail. That trail was rather rough and did not really provide any good views – I would not recommend it.

Kobol Canyon - Zion NP

Cedar Breaks NM
A view from the overlook at Cedar Breaks NM
Cedar Breaks NM

We stopped at Cedar City to get some groceries since there really was not much around where we are staying. After a quick lunch, we continued our journey to Cedar Breaks National Monument. There was a beautiful overlook prior to the park entrance. The park itself was still closed because of snow but we did hike in. In the winter months there is a temporary yurt set up for skiiers, snowshoers, and snowmobiliers to get warmed up. There were a few spots along the road that provided nice views - but not as good as the place along the side of the road before the park. The fresh air smelled awesome up there. We will need to return to the summer month to hike the trails.

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