Sunday, March 11, 2018

AZ - March 2018 - Days 5-7

Chuckwagon Trail to Devil's Bridge
Chuckwagon Trail
March 11th, 2018

Rain, rain, go away! Really is was only a bit misty out, but the cloud cover was quite dense. While we were waiting for the fog to clear we went and checked out the really cool arts area called Tlaquepaque. We also drove out to the Hillside art area to check out the Exposures International Gallery of Fine Art. There were some gorgeous pieces of art.

Devil's Bridge
Devil's Bridge
Around 11 AM, the clouds were lifting so we headed out to do some hiking around Sedona. indicated that Devil’s Bridge was a cool place to visit. Reading the reviews someone had indicated that the Chuckwagon Trail was a great way to reach to Devils Bridge Trailhead.  The Devils Bridge Trailhead is down a fire road and not accessible with a standard vehicle. We parked at the Mescal Trailhead and ventured out on the Chuckwagon trail towards Devils Bridge. The hike was scenic with not a lot of people. Once we reached the Devils Bridge Trail the trail became much busier.  I was not brave enough to head onto the bridge (the line was a little long also). During our return hike, we decided to take the rest of the Chuckwagon Trail.  It was an okay trail, some nice views with a lot more ups and downs than the portion we had hiked previously.  We got off the trail just in time – the rain came back.
Sedona Rocks

We attempted to go to a BBQ place for dinner, but it closed at 5! We walked around town a little bit and decided what we wanted to go next. Since it was approaching sunset we decided to take a drive up to the Airport Road overlook. There was a $3 parking fee, which seemed reasonable. In general the view was very nice; however, the clouds came in eliminating the chance for a beautiful sunset.

Airport Road View
View from Airport Road

March 12th, 2018

Coyote Canyon
Originally, we had planned to take a hot air balloon ride, but the weather the previous two mornings put the brakes on that.  Instead, we decided to go on a Pink Jeep ride. There were a lot of different options to select from.  We decided to try the Coyote Canyon ride. Had we known, we probably would have selected a different route since this took us to the exact area that we had hiked the day before. The jeep ride was fun, but I would probably not do it again.

We did have some yummy homemade ice cream at the Black Cow Café in Sedona after the jeep ride. Mike had the prickly pear flavor.  I sampled it but it was too weird for me!

Sedona Rocks
After the jeep ride, we headed out to Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock. We were fortunate to find parking. We spent a few hours hiking around the area before heading back to Phoenix for the night.

We stopped and ate at Chili’s before heading to Holiday Inn Express Phoenix North – Scottsdale. The hotel appeared to be quite new – the room was in great condition and had lovely décor.

Bell Rock Area
Bell Rock Area
March 13th, 2018

We had intended to head to the Botanical Garden for a few hours before heading to the airport, but traffic was a bit heavy so we decided to just chill out at the hotel until we had to go to the airport (10am). The airport was not busy due to cancelled flights - the east coast was getting hammered with snow!  We had a smooth flight and drive home.  Until next time, happy travels!

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