Saturday, April 27, 2013

Notre Dame Country...

April 26, 2013

Getting desperate for another adventure, we took a quick weekend trip down to Notre Dame Country. On the way we stopped by “The Parlour” in Jackson for some ice cream – this place is great – hence our reason for stopping by whenever we head through that area. This time we got the Turtle Sundae – yummy, but I personally would have liked more caramel! Our weekend accommodations were at a place called “Varsity Clubs of America – South Bend”. The place was decked out in Notre Dame related décor.

April 27, 2013

After a quick breakfast at the hotel, we headed over to the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. It was about an hour drive from the South Bend area. The Indiana Dunes encompass about 15 miles of the southern shore of Lake Michigan. We visited the Dunes back in 2010 and visited a lot of the main attractions, this time we did some hiking and visited some of the places that we enjoyed the most on our last visit.

Our first stop was at the Visitor Center to get the passport stamp and check-in with the park ranger. It is a good idea to ask the park ranger on recommendation for hikes – in case a trail is closed for some reason or if there are wildflowers or something interesting out on a certain trail. Upon recommendation we headed out to the “Cowles Bog” trail. The trail was designated as a National Natural Landmark in 1965. A man by the name of Dr. Henry Cowles studied plant ecology in the area. He was a botany professor at the University of Chicago. His study of plant life in the dunes ecosystem made him one of the most significant early ecologists. The dunes made a perfect area to study the effect of topography and soil types to plant life. 

The Cowles Bog Trail was not too strenuous, with the major climbs being right near the lake. There is parking across the road from the site. There is also a trail in the parking lot area. We did that trail too – it was not nearly as good as the Cowles Bog Trail.  We hiked just over six miles on the two trails. The Cowles Bog Trail is advertised as being 4.6 miles of hiking trails.

Our next stop was to visit the 1933 Century of Progress Homes near at the Lake View Beach area. The beach is nice in this area, also. In the summer, it would probably be highly unlikely to find parking at that beach. The houses were displayed at the 1933 World’s Fair in Chicago. The designs are all drastically different. The houses were moved from the fair to the Beverly Shores area by a real estate developer in hopes that the high profile houses would entice buyers to his resort community. Four of the five houses were brought by barge and the other was dismantled and reassembled. The houses currently are in all sorts of conditions, with renovations currently taking place. The houses are all listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The last visit for the day at the dunes was Mount Baldy. Mount Baldy had some noticeable changes since our last visit.  The NPS says that the dunes move about four feet each year due to the wind. Beach erosion is taking more sand away from the area than the lake waves are bringing in. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began “feeding” (trucking in sand) the beach in 1974 in efforts to correct the effect of the breakwall being built for the Michigan City Harbor. There is a short hike to the summit of the dune. Also, there is a short trail that leads to the beach.

Back to South Bend we went – time to catch up with some family! We had a tour of the Notre Dame campus - so pretty - lots of architecture. After the tour we headed to Hollihan’s for dinner – it was pretty good.  We started with the Chipotle Chicken Nachos – large portion, but 3 of us devoured it.  We all had sandwiches, which were very tasty.

The evening was capped off by a visit to a bar called Fiddler’s Hearth in downtown South Bend. The bar was very interesting – it represents seven Celtic nations with food, drink, music, dance, and culture. The bar has live music every night. There is a huge beer list and if you order fish and chips it will come wrapped in newspaper – that has to mean that it is good – right? Next visit we are for sure going to have a bite to eat!

April 28, 2013

Upon waking up to a rainy day, we packed up early and headed home…where of course it was still raining.

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