Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Year in Review - 2016

From a nearly missed flight to Miami, a family outing to the Kentucky Derby, followed by a week long trip out west to celebrate my parents 40th anniversary, a long weekend down in NC were we got to visit some SC friends, followed by my Keep Collective Annual Training which was down in Charlotte, NC (sorry I did not blog about that - it was a whirl-wind trip),  then a trip to Napa, CA to visit our first nephew.  That was not the end of it - then we road tripped down to Virginia Beach, and we closed the year with a trip with my sister to New Orleans!

We had a great time on all of our trips in 2016 and are looking forward to another year of amazing trips for 2017!

Our tentative travel plans for 2017 include trips to: San Diego and Palm Springs, Philadelphia, Las Vegas (Keep Collective Annual Training), Northern MI/MN/WI (Isle Royale!), and possibly Colorado.